So after a rather extended break from blogging about the project, I'm back! Work had been progressing at a very rapid pace, and as can be seen from a quick drive by the site, the development is slated to be completed far ahead of schedule. We're currently looking at the end of September for interim possession, which is great for businesses thinking of moving into their spaces before the winter comes.
I'm going to be on site tomorrow to take some more pics, and I know that I've been promising more pics on this site, but due to some serious issues with my camera not seeming to want to communicate properly with my computer which seems to have a very serious conflict going on with my online picture catelogue, I must leave everyone out there checking on the blog in anticipation for another day or two.
Look for more updates soon!Oh, and here's a pic from the day they poured the floors!
Wondering if you have any hints as to which businesses will be moving in here?